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(10-960) JR Kiha58 Series (TORO-Q)

(10-960) JR Kiha58 Series (TORO-Q)

Regular Price:¥13,000JPY
SKU: KATO 10-960
Package Volume: 300.00
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ItemNumber 10-960
JR Kiha58 Series (TORO-Q)
2Cars Set

is a sightseeing train that mainly ran between Oita and Yufuin stations on the Kyudai Main Line. It was active until 2009 with the aim of promoting tourism in Yufuin, a famous tourist destination in Kyushu, and alleviating road congestion in urban areas. In addition to operating with a trolley car in between or removing the trolley car and operating in a two-car train, in later years, as an event train mainly based on the Kiha 58 series, the Kiha 58 series JR Kyushu general color / and was active in a formation that became a hot topic.

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