Japanese Model Train Shop Since 1982


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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How do you determine shipping charges?

You can select shipping method from follows *1 (as of Mar 2025) ;
 - DHL *2
 - FedEx *2
 - EMS
 - Small Packets
*1 Russia : No method to ship out
*2 China : No system for accepting on DHL and FedEx
Shipping Fee Chart page is HERE.
Shipping charges are automatically calculated based on the weight of your order during the checkout process.

How much time doses it take for shipping items?

Most orders ship within 2-3 business days after they are placed. We always perform appearance and operation checks before packing, carefully cushioning inside of the box not to cause a transportation accident.

Do you ship to my country?

You can check to see if we ship to your country by creating an account with our site. During the registration process we'll ask for your address. If your country is not in the dropdown menu of available countries, unfortunately we cannot ship to your country at this time. To request a country to be added to our list, please inquire from here. After we review your request, we will send you an email informing you of our decision.

I received the wrong product, what do I do?

If you feel that you have received the wrong product, please contact us from here within 72 hours of receiving the product. We will reply you as soon as possible.

Sales Tax, Import Duty and GST/VAT Charges?

In this website, we do not include Japanese Sales Tax on the prices. And also, do not include Import Duty and/or GST/VAT for shipments outside Japan. You may need to pay these charges at the time of delivery to your address. You can contact your local Customs Office to determine what these rates may be. Please note that we will not report a lower package value. Thank you.

Can you ship aerosols or other flammable product overseas?

We are not permitted to ship any aerosols or flammable products overseas due to shipping regulations.

Can I buy or pick up at your retail store?

Please picking up your items after contacting us and confirming they are in stock. We will keep your items during 2 weeks after you place your order. Please note that our retail shop is NOT duty free shop, then you will be required to pay Japanese sales tax(10%) when you buy directly at our shop.

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