(10-1969~1971) JR E5 Series Hayabusa 10 Cars Set ※Equipped with a new slotless motor
Normal Price : ¥ 32,100 JPY
¥ 24,075 JPY
Item Code: KATO 10-1969~1971
Package volume : 2400
Related Category
ItemNumber 10-1969+10-1970+10-1971
JR E5 Series Hayabusa
Basic 3 Cars + 3 Cars Add-on A + 4 Cars Add-on B
10 Cars Set
The E5 series Shinkansen, which is used on the "Hayabusa" train between Tokyo and Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto, operates at the maximum domestic operating speed of 320 km/h. Since the number of foreign travelers carrying large luggage has increased since the train was introduced, some of the seats in cars 2, 4, 6, and 8 have been converted into large luggage storage areas and some of the windows have been filled in. Similar construction was then carried out on cars 1, 3, 5, and 7, and the installation work spread to all cars except cars 9 and 10.
◆ Equipped with a newly developed slotless motor as standard
By adopting a newly developed slotless motor, it demonstrates smoother and quieter running performance than existing motors.