(98867) Private Taki 1900 (Cement Terminal) 10 Cars set

Normal Price : ¥ 19,600 JPY

¥ 15,680 JPY

Item Code: TOMIX 98867

Package volume : 900


ItemNumber 98867
Private Taki 1900 (Cement Terminal)

Among the Taki 1900 series, the cars owned by the Cement Terminal were distinctively painted in light green No. 3.
Through both JNR and JR, they were mainly used in the Kanto, Southern Tohoku, Hokuriku and Chubu regions, and in their later years were based in Motosu, Aomi and Higashi-Fujiwara, but due to a reduction in the transport of cement by rail, all of the cars were retired around 2007.