(24-002) Quick Rerailer

Normal Price : ¥ 500 JPY

¥ 400 JPY

Item Code: KATO 24-002

Package volume : 100

Related Category

  1. KATO
  1. KATO
  2. Others

ItemNumber 24-201
Quick Rerailer

●Introducing a relayer that can smoothly restore (return) derailed N gauge vehicles.

This relayer can be used at any position on the layout, which was not possible with conventional relayers or relayer tracks. It can be used on both straight and curved sections, and is characterized by the fact that it can be attached to the track at the site of the derailment and can be used to return to the track as is. In addition, it can smoothly return to the track while maintaining the connection state of vehicle formations that are firmly connected with body mount couplers, etc., and long formations, etc., allowing you to enjoy driving more comfortably.

◆Vehicles such as Shinkansen trains, where the underfloor is covered with a cover and the bogie is not exposed, can also be smoothly returned to the track. This item is recommended not only for home layouts, but also for running on layouts outside such as driving events.

*It is not compatible with vehicles that exceed the vehicle limit or vehicles with parts that are easily removed.

※For more information, please visit the KATO website.