(A1444) JR DE10-1511 JR Freight Central Training Center

Normal Price : ¥ 10,600 JPY

¥ 9,010 JPY

Item Code: MicroAce A1444

Package volume : 220

Related Category

  1. Micro Ace
  1. Micro Ace
  2. Locomotive

ItemNumber A1444
JR DE10-1511 JR Freight Central Training Center

The JR Freight Central Training Center, located next to Tokyo Freight Terminal Station, is a training facility owned by the company. In addition to simulators for major locomotives such as the EF210 and EH500, and actual locomotives modified to help people understand their internal structures, it also has training facilities for welding and other technical aspects and various equipment, making it a facility for providing comprehensive education related to the operation of freight trains. The DE10-1511 has been installed in the facility since around 1993 for training on the DE10 type medium-sized diesel locomotives that have been deployed nationwide, mainly for shunting. There is scaffolding around the facility for visitors, and part of the bonnet has been removed, making it unique to a training facility, but what makes this locomotive unique is that its body is painted in shades of blue and light gray, similar to the electric locomotives that appeared in the early days of JR, and it is known as the only one of the many variations of the DE10.