(98390) JR 223 Series-5000 Marine Liner F

Normal Price : ¥ 22,700 JPY

¥ 19,295 JPY

Item Code: TOMIX 98390

Package volume : 900

ItemNumber 98390
JR 223 Series-5000 Marine Liner F
6 Cars Set

The Marine Liner trains on the Setouchi Ohashi Line are operated by the 223-5000 series owned by JR West and the 5000 series owned by JR Shikoku.
The 223-5000 series is based on the 223-2000 series used in the Kansai region, and uses a hood frame to allow cars to pass through when coupled together.
The two-story 5100 series is based on the E217 series Salo, while the 5200 and 5000 series are based on the 223-2000 series.
From 2007 to 2010, they were operated in 6-car formations, coupled with 223-2000 series SaHa cars.