(98124) JR Kiha 66.67 type (revival JNR color)
Normal Price : ¥ 11,200 JPY
¥ 8,960 JPY
Item Code: TOMIX 98124
Package volume : 400
ItemNumber 98124
JR Kiha 66.67 type (revival JNR color)
2Cars Set
The Kiha 66 and 67 types that appeared in 1975 were mainly used in the Chikuho area.
Although the paint was changed in later years, in commemoration of the millennium in 2000, it was decided to reproduce the painting of JNR vehicles at that time, and No. 1 of each Kiha 66 and 67 was selected, and the other train was also repainted later. He remained in that position until his retirement in June 2021.