(10-234+10-235) Suha 44 SERIES Express (Hato/Aodaisho)

Normal Price : ¥ 20,600 JPY

¥ 15,450 JPY

Item Code: KATO 10-234+10-235

Package volume : 1310

ItemNumber 10-234+10-235
Suha 44 SERIES Express (Hato/Aodaisho)
Basic 5Cars+5Cars Add-On
10Cars Set

The Tokaido Main-Line was fully electrified in 1956, enabling an electric locomotive to efficiently pull passenger cars all the way between Tokyo and Osaka. The express trains on this route were then painted in light green, a modern color at that time, as there was no longer any concern about the train being stained with soot emitted by a steam locomotive. This is the express train "Hato" (Pigeon) Green